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avril 25, 2003

instant gratification takes too long

i’ve officially been diagnosed with the inability to delay gratification. deep down, we all knew that about me, didn’t we, my internet friends?

partially-evilJacob, son of evildeb, says that he has been to my blog. this blog of which you are perusing. he says he enjoyed some video links that he followed from this blog. i have no idea what he’s talking about. partially-evilJacob is possibly spirally down into a deep dark pit of teenage tomfoolery, as his recent behavior suggests. he knows what i am talking about. and if he truly is reading this blog, he can comment and explain to us why he’s obviously smoking the pot, as i have no links to videos of TechTV posted on my blog. such a shame, he had such a bright future.

speaking of 3/4’s of the evil family. we were at the mall the other evening. turning 10 minutes of errands for me, into hours of time wasted. while standing around, waiting for Evildeb to choose her clinique shit, i was playing with the red lipsticks. it’s my goal to find a red lipstick that goes with my skin tone. i’ve seen people with skin more fair than i, wearing it. why can’t i? i had 8 different shades of red on, and about 4 layers of lipstick. did you know that red lipstick can stain your lips? they next morning, they were stained red, even tho the lipstick was long gone.

do you see why i have not written since the 18th? i really haven’t been doing very much. i haven’t been thinking deep or interesting thoughts. yesterday, i had impressions of my teeth made, so i can get a new night guard, so i won’t clench my teeth while i sleep and wake up with a headache. how’s that? that’s my life.

pru says hello.

Posted by jodi at avril 25, 2003 03:58 PM


You spent HOURS at the mall??? Man, Deb really is evil. Did they have a computer store you could hang out in? Or a Hot Topic? Or a Yankee Candle store where you could smell all the candles?

Poor Jodi.

PS: I, too, love the video links.

Posted by: Lisa at avril 29, 2003 01:39 PM