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avril 29, 2003

Kitten, I think what I am saying, is that sometimes, shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and who ya gonna call?

kittie pie!!!


bwahahahaaa! that just kills me. kittie pie.

fee says "it's two of your favorite things!" she's right. kitties. and pie.

lisa commented on my harrowing trip to the mall, by asking. "Did they have a computer store you could hang out in?"
the answer is, no. NOT YET!! but soooon... sooon my internet friends, apple will be opening an Apple Store right there in my mall. smack dab in b'square.
i think i should be there the moment they open. i wonder if they will have give aways? i'll spend the night on the floor of the mall, in order to be there for the give aways. to show my brand loyalty.

how can you not love a company that's done this? and i feel sorry for you internet friends, who are on windows. as most of you are, i believe. because right now... you cannot enjoy the brilliant new digital music store. but i can. :)

Posted by jodi at avril 29, 2003 11:10 AM
