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mai 12, 2003

i am jodi's broken bbs3k

when i do something, i like to go all the way, give it the best effort i've got. as long as the best effort does not require too much energy. so, when i was trying to add a registration approval hack to the bbs3k, and things started to go wrong, i didn't just remove the edits and return the board to it's previously unhacked state. no. acting on a tip from an unnamed source on the xmb forum, i attempted to upgrade the forum to the 1.8 version. apparently, the 1.6 version i was using was all sorts of icky. we'll there you go, right? the answers to all my problems, that's why the hack wasn't working, it was the version of the code. it's not that i know nothing about php or perl or anything. so, i followed the instructions. it wasn't supposed to change anything on the board, to the naked eye. the posts should still be there, the users would still be registered, the theme would remain. riiiiiight.

needless to say, it didn't work. everything was lost. and to top it off, i can't register the board so that we can even re-register and start over from scratch. it thinks i am still logged in, even though there are no registered users, and it keeps prompting me to register. sigh.

so that's the status as of now. i am working with someone on the xmb forum. they keep giving me different config.php files to try. and none of them are working. but i haven't given up. yet.

Posted by jodi at mai 12, 2003 11:40 AM


well, that's okay. we'll just spam your comments section, right?

actually, i'm kind of jealous of you. you have a project that sounds way more interesting than any of the stuff i should be doing for work.

and i have a headache. if my brain were as big as yours, it would probably dwarf the pain so i'd hardly even notice it.

Posted by: arifa at mai 12, 2003 04:45 PM

wait a sec... you think tech reviewing the user guide of a future release is interesting? it's extremely tedious. i'm not good at it. i don't have attention for those kinds of details.

Posted by: jodi at mai 12, 2003 05:18 PM

Now if it was a manual about how to bust stuff up, destroy and maim she'd be all over it.

I wonder if Deb's sister thinks the board is still out there and you've hidden it from her?

Posted by: Lisa at mai 14, 2003 12:06 PM