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mai 13, 2003

Never let it be said that your anal-retentive attention to detail never yielded positive results.

in addition to an intense need for instant gratification, i also have an inability to pay attention to the details. i have so many little bits of things to do right now, at work, i can't figure out what to do. so i do nothing. it's easier. ok... i do stuff. but i feel unfocused. i'm going to make a list, i suppose.

i fixed the brain. if by fixing, you mean losing everything and starting over with a completely new board from a completely different source. if that's fixing, then i sure did fix it. hooray me!! that's ok, i guess. i like this new board much better. it has more functionality and it's prettier. pretty counts... you get extra points for aesthetics.

lisa cracks me up. i like it when she comments on me.

Posted by jodi at mai 13, 2003 02:35 PM


Why don't the other views for the Board work? Oh, and I get to be the 13th registered user! I like 13.

Posted by: Lisa at mai 19, 2003 12:51 PM