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mai 16, 2003

Flowers are simply tarts; prostitutes for the bees.

hey, you know what? eddie izzard, whom we LOVE, updated his website. and now it has all sorts of fun stuff on it. you should go look at it. you should go now. if you register on the website, you get advance notice of tour dates. supposedly. so i did. because i am so there when, not if, he comes to seattle.

and hey, let's use a picture of eddie to segue into another topic. [because... see.. he's using a MAC.]

i'm in love with the new apple music store. i'm especially in love with it, since i got it working at work. i am having a problem with a song that i bought at home. it won't play at work. even though my account is authorized for two computers. it keeps asking me to authenticate for the song. i do, but it doesn't take. i have not yet tried to play the songs i purchased at work, at home. i'll have to test that. anyway, it's driving me nuts, this other song. despite my great love for the music store. i pity the pc users.

and if that were not enough apple goodness, the retail store finally opened in my mall! i actually got to see a real live 17 inch powerbook previously, i had only seen pictures. it's a beautiful thing. gorgeous. sure, it's wider than norm. but it's so skinny! and beautiful. sigh. i want one. but i also want one of the new iPods. i want so many things. what i GOT was the new processor upgrade for my g4. for $90 less than they were 4 weeks ago. NICE. it's been shipped. i should have it any day.

man.. i'm just geek babbling now. that's not all that interesting. i'm going to go get a frosty at wendy's.

Posted by jodi at mai 16, 2003 11:41 AM
