« Those poor schmucks... they drive Chevrolets, shop at Wal-Mart, never miss an episode of Friends. These are Americans. The idea of slaughtering Americans... well, it just turns my stomach. | Main | Every day is a lottery, and first prize is that you don't have to scoot yourself around town on a skateboard with your hands. You think about that. »

juin 12, 2003

If it's anyone's fault it's yours. You parked him in front of the TV and made him watch...The Muppets. They got frogs kissing pigs, what the hell did you think was gonna happen??

according to my peach iced tea snapple bottle cap, frogs never drink. they are printing useful facts on the bottle caps. however shocking that sounded, i realized it's not all that shocking. they are amphibians. they get all their moisture through their skin or something.

today is going far too slowly. i brought my computer in and steve installed my processor upgrade. we tested it with the sims and it sure did the trick!! now i want to go home and play sims. sims sims sims sims sims!! but i am still here. plugging away at crap.

i don't have a lot of interesting things to say. the other day, someone here at worked parked so close to my car, i could not get my car. that was the most exciting thing that happened. because i had to tell security and then they had to see if they could find the parking sticker on the car and track the bastard down. now every time i see that car in the parking lot, i scowl at it. very fiercely. but i don't know who drives it. yet.

OH! OH! i forgot!! i have eddie izzard tickets. i have eddie izzard tickets for TWO SHOWS!! on in Seattle, with evildeb, and the other in LA! that's right. i'm going down to LA to see him again. because i need to see him with fee. and kam. and howie. and aaiysha. even though i've never met her. it's a little four day mini break.

i'll let you all go now, internet friends. the after market performance of our stock is making me blue. i hate money. i plan on winning the mega million lottery tomorrow. it's up to something like $115 million. i'd look good with that much money, don't you think?

Posted by jodi at juin 12, 2003 04:33 PM
