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juin 16, 2003

Every day is a lottery, and first prize is that you don't have to scoot yourself around town on a skateboard with your hands. You think about that.

i took my s.dad out for dinner and movie last night, for father's day. we were talking about winning the lottery, because i am so done with working for a living. he said if he wan the mega million lottery [jackpot currently ='s $140 million] he'd give my mom some money to retire with. half a mill, i believe he said. that was, of course, after he mentioned taking care of his girlfriend and her kids. but it's not a bad sentiment, is it? i would have to say that the number of times the conversation was switched to the g.f., or one of her kids, without any real context is 16% than it used to be.

please take note of my maturity, as i am not referring to the g.f. as her previous nickname. i think i've grown.

i'm going to see the matrix tonight. i don't really know if i care about it. but i am baby sitting evildeb. her baby is visiting grandma, and lloyd is going to his interpretive sword dancing class. she's all alone. if i were her, i'd kick eviljacob out of the house and run around yelling MINE MINE MINE ALL MINE!! i'd turn the tv off, and the music ON, and kick back and enjoy it. but that's me. and i do that every night. she offered me the choice of shopping, but i have to avoid that particular temptation right now. too broke. but mood is too shoppy.

anyway, the matrix. yes, i've heard a lot of opinions about this movie, this sequel. but, luckily, all these opinions have had nothing to do with me, so i have not had to pay attention. i go in there with no preconceptions. except that kam liked it. i remember that. and lisa didn't. and coworker devon told me to keep in mind that this is the first half of a longer movie, the second half coming later this year, and if i do that, it will be ok. so i have a few preconceptions. but they are baby preconceptions.

Posted by jodi at juin 16, 2003 03:20 PM
