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juin 17, 2003

Leap before you look. Remember denouement. Other French words: inconvenient, nonessential... oh... I could go on and on... But time's a-wasting and evil's out there making hand-crafted mischief for the swap meet of villainy.

so i saw the matrix finally. it was pretty good. i like the fighting. a bunch of smiths... that's good. i have a couple of complaints/thoughts. first, fishbourne was bugging me big time. oh hi, drama queen much? yes, i think so, morpheus. no wonder mrs. jada pinkette smith preferred the crabby guy. and please, put a shirt on. also, the whole dancing sex scene? matrix porn!! i think i was supposed to find that sexy. was i? i didn't. i found it... trite. and i guess i really wasn't all that interested in sex between trinity and neo. in fact, i think i found it disturbing.

however, i loved the french guy, merovingian. he ruled!! he made the movie. i hope he's in the 3rd one. he should be. he should be in lots and lots of movies. all the time. he was delightful. you practically want to be friends with him. although he IS evil. but still, all those french curses he could teach you!!

hey, did i tell you? yesterday i went to the post office, and there was a panhandler outside. when i came out, he asked me for change, but i explained i used my change to buy stamps. as i walked away he said, "i like your voice!" umm... what? I don't think anyone has ever complimented me on my voice before. with good reason. weird.

Posted by jodi at juin 17, 2003 10:17 AM
