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juin 23, 2003

That's not a protest! That is a cry for help! They're begging us!! PLEASE have a party!!! Feed us drinks!!! GET US LAID!!!! AAHHHHHH!!!!!

i found this article taped above the water bubbler this morning. while i was refilling my water bottle. they now they say it's unsafe to reuse them. i'm using a cancer ridden water bottle. say it could have FECAL COLIFORMS!! anything with the word fecal is bad, you know. but then i got to thinking. this is a plot. i know it is. because how cheap is it to buy a gallon of drinking water from the grocery store... like 50 cents or something. then you can just reuse your water bottles, filling them up from the gallon jug. but you see, that would SAVE YOU MONEY. and they, the man, hate it when you save your money. much better to scare you into spending 20 times that on new bottles of water. bastards. all the bottled water people got together and put the squeeze on canada, until they released this report.

my little brother is in sacramento, protesting at the WTO. he's such a little punk! i'd say he was an anarchist, but i'm not sure if he considers himself one. he's vegan. does that count? he's on a road trip, and he's supposed to make it up here to see me. in a car full of punks. they are crashing with other punks along the way. i guess punks are real accommodating.

btw, how cool is it that sacramento's newspaper is called the Sacramento Bee? they call it the sacbee i'd love to change the seattle times and/or post intelligencer to The Bee. probably the times, since we already call the post intelligencer the P.I. then we'd have the seabee. Yeah!!

Posted by jodi at juin 23, 2003 11:01 AM


I am glad I use a thermos!

Posted by: becky at juin 23, 2003 11:05 AM