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septembre 09, 2003

Great, now I'm gonna be stuck with serious thoughts all day.

here is my voyager card of the day:

" Stagnation is the emotional fatigue, indolence and flatness you feel when things have begun to run downhill, become sticky and swampy (stagnant waters), blocked (frozen waters), dry (mud flats), suffocating (drowned flowers, closed cup) and dead (fallen leaves, unusable cups)."

golly... THAT'S no fun!

"The oozing liquid floral abundance symbolizes the stagnation you experience as the result of overdoing, overindulging, overdosing and debauchery. Useless cups and dried up leaves and water represent stagnation from boredom and routine.

The closed vase in the center means that this is the time for emotional rest. By shutting down all systems, going within yourself and conserving energy, you rejuvenate and revitalize - a process symbolized by the spring greenness of the vase. Remember, all life comes out of the swamp, so be patient and know that new life is germinating. "

ok, A: i don't like the idea of oozing liquid floral abundance. and 2: if i engaged in some debauchery, i missed it. and that pisses me off! a girl likes to be present during her debauchery. right?

dr. wanless is going to be here the first weekend of october. all it says about his friday thing is "reading and talk." i'm sure that doesn't mean free readings. but it doesn't say what the talk is about. nonetheless, evildeb and i will attend. it will be more difficult to show up drunk since stargazers bookstore,where the event is held, is in an industrial park. no nearby cocktails. and you know i don't drink and drive. sigh. so much for debauchery. unless we sit in the car before hand and get drunk!! hmmm....... it's ever so much easier to take the rabidly new agey, when you've had a little cocktail to smooth out the rough edges.

this morning, when i stopped for my breakfast [ie: dr. pepper] i parallel parked against the curb of the mini mart. and this guy, who was pumping gas, starts walking over to the door. and he's just staring at me... standing in front of my car staring at me, as he walks by, then he backtracks, comes back to the front of my car and stares some more. so i yelled "why the hell are you staring at me?" but i was in my car. and i had not yet turned off the radio. but i think he could read lips. when i got into the minimart, i noticed he was a bit drunk. and he was buy more booze. great. so happy he was getting back in his car.

Posted by jodi at septembre 9, 2003 09:47 AM
