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septembre 18, 2003

Uh, well, if anyone from the, uh, from the IRS is watching, I... forgot to file my, my, my 1040 return. Um, I meant to do it today, but, uh...

well, according to my tax lawyer, as of yesterday, i was within full compliance with the law, and able to exercise my "tax payers rights." uh... ok. he said, call 'em up! tell them that 4.61 is a hardship! he also said that it's an art, more than a science, dealing with the IRS. and if it wasn't going well, i should yell FIRE! hang up, and call back and get a different agent out of the thousands of agents they have.

well i guess i have a bit of talent when it comes to dealing with the IRS. because i got them to agree to payments of $200 a month for all three years i owe. now, that is still more than i really want to pay, with all my bills. the lawyer said, "agree to anything, just get it lifted. and then you and i will come up with a reasonable plan and present it to them. nothing is set in stone." but when making rough estimates, he was thinking the payments would be around $250 plus. so when mr. darcy, my irs representative, said, "how much you want to pay?" i said that i'd like to keep it under two hundred. he said ok. i faxed over some stuff and they are faxing a release to my extremely patient and understanding payroll goddess before the deadline.

short story long, i should get a full paycheck on the 30th. whew. now if i could just get the credit card people off my back. i'd be as happy as a little girl!

my internet went down, at home. i'm actually at work. because evildeb is going to take me to the airport. i don't know what's worng with my dsl, and i didn't have time to figure it out. it had better just fix itself while i'm gone, that's all i'm saying.

next time we speak, i'll either be in pasadena ca. or i will be home. so. yeah. either one.

Posted by jodi at septembre 18, 2003 01:52 PM


Wow Jodi. How unbelievably stressful. Kudos to you for remaining vertical. Although, I guess I have no guarantee that you aren't lying on the floor of your office, typing with your keyboard on your chest.

Posted by: Deb at septembre 21, 2003 06:20 PM