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novembre 10, 2003

watch out, california...

the end of the world is coming, and you are screwed no matter what.

Posted by jodi at novembre 10, 2003 11:53 AM


you know, one of the reasons why i love living in california is the possibility that one day we'll split apart from the rest of the continent, drift a bit, and go hang out with hawaii. yo! 'sup?! :)

Posted by: loon at novembre 10, 2003 04:49 PM

I'm with Loon. Oh yeah, and Alaska can come, too! =)

Posted by: Romy at novembre 10, 2003 05:29 PM

Lmao........too funny, way too funny! But please dont take Alaska with you, the penguins and polar bears would hate it!

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 11, 2003 10:57 AM