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novembre 11, 2003

We need to open another bottle of vodka. It seems that you put most of the last bottle in your mouth.

so you want to hear something weird? i went on that diet for one day. one day last week, right? and after that, about all i changed was i quit having dr. peppers and baby chocolate donnettes for breakfast. and i haven't had any bread. that's it. well... i've lost 10 and a half pounds. what's up with that? it's that scale. it's the instrument of the devil. seriously, kids... i haven't changed that much. i already was drinking water, and i haven't even made it up to the goal of 64 ounces a day! i've had numerous snapples, and i drank dr. pepper friday afternoon and all day saturday. i've even had candy and oreos!! i think that scale is lying to me. it's mean. except, i do have old jeans that wouldn't fit before on right now. i think the jeans and scale are in cahoots. i don't understand it. but there it is.

word count is up to 11,363 now. currently, lucy is having a family dinner, it's still the day after the fire, and she's getting drunk. hilarity should ensue, if all goes according to plan. however, in a strange turn of events, lucy is letting it be known that she does not want to turn into a regular old writer at the end of the book. she wants to write comic books. so now all the sudden she draws! i don't know... it's just want she wants. this is hard for me because i don't draw and i don't know anything about comic book creation. i'll have to make it up, for now. i've asked for mr. moon's advice. but what can i do? if she wants to create comic books, she's going to do it. i'm at the mercy of her desires.

the other problem is the cat. the cat doesn't like his name. phinnigan. but he's not letting me know what his real name is. so what... am i just supposed to call him Cat? i guess all will be revealed when he is good and ready. even in stories cats are always in control.

Posted by jodi at novembre 11, 2003 02:11 PM


Whoopie, the low carb thingy is showing some on you girl! Just keep going in that direction...

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 11, 2003 05:05 PM

"all i changed was i quit having dr. peppers and baby chocolate donnettes for breakfast." well, duh =) there's a world of difference between complex carbohydrates and sugars (white bread is not really that complex). i'm glad giving up the sugary stuff is working, and at no expense to your kidneys.

and congrats on the word count! sorry i haven't been around to dwell on your every post lately. believe me - i'd much rather be doing that.

is it a nice kitty or a mean kitty?

Posted by: arifa at novembre 11, 2003 05:58 PM

the 10 and a half pounds that you have lost so far is mostly water weight, i am pretty certain. that weight is the easiest to shed, and comes off the quickest. because you never drank enough water for your body (and drank so much soda) your body retained every ounce of water it got in order to supply your body. so now that your feeding it more water, it doesn't need to hold on to it's extra supply. that's why if you're feeling bloated you should drink MORE water. funny how that works.

but dude....keep on doing what you're doing. then you can slowly work in some walking 2-3 times a week, too. you'll be surprised at what 3 days of walking can do for you.

Posted by: Judy at novembre 12, 2003 06:11 AM