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novembre 12, 2003

Did I ever tell you to eat up? Go to bed? Wash your ears? Do your homework? No. I respected your privacy and I taught you self- reliance.

sorry... no time for updatey today. busy busy busy. had to a: do my job b: go to the movies after work and c: come home from the movies and watch angel. all terribly terribly important. and now d: i'm tired.

word count is at 12,000 something... i don't remember what exactly. i just know i wrote 1420 words at lunch. lucy's getting good and depressed now. should be fun. soon she won't leave her bed! and, after a lot of brainstorming with dr. stevil, via AIM - even tho he sits two cubes over, the cat has a new name. Stanley. it fits. trust me. now i have to go back and replace all the other names i used with stanley. hope i can remember them all. i just kept trying names out to see if they fit.

speaking of cats, i have to go spend some quality time with pru. talk to you tomorrow!! be good, dear internet friends!

Posted by jodi at novembre 12, 2003 10:22 PM
