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novembre 13, 2003

You repo men, you're all out to fuckin' lunch!

whooo-hooo! i broke 15,000. i wrote 2,252 words today. i think. 2 thousand two hundred and something. i'm at 15,037. trucking along. of course, there are reasons i was able to spend more time writing today. but we'll get to those in a minute.

as you can see, i changed the color scheme a little. it's more fall/winter, don't you think? also, i colored my hair, so i thought it was appropriate that the swing babe go red as well.

so, you wanna know why i'm stuck home today? i don't know if i want to tell you. i'm not proud of myself. i went downstairs this morning to find my car gone. and no, "stolen" was not the first word i thought of. i knew what had happened. i was still shocked. i've hit a new bottom, in terms of financial screw ups. this has never happened to me. i've never had my car repossessed. i don't even know anyone who's had their car repossessed! i knew i was behind. but i didn't know i was that far behind. the thing is, it's all my fault. and some of it is really stupid, because i had money for part of the bill i owed! i just kept forgetting to send it! that makes it even worse. i'm such an idiot.

i felt pretty crappy this morning. but then, i sort of felt relieved as well. which may seem odd. but if this had happened to me last year, i wouldn't have handled it as well. i would have turned around and gone back to bed and not dealt with it. i would have stayed in bed for a couple of days, forcing myself to sleep because life was too overwhelming to deal with. my depression was at it's worst this time last year. but today, even though i feel like i complete loser, i got on the phone and called the bank. and then i called the repo people. i can't do anything until tomorrow morning, so i spent most of the morning punishing myself. i made an appt. to talk with a financial councilor and deal with my debt. i downloaded and installed quicken, and put my checking account into it. and i did two loads of laundry. i explained to pru how her mommy is a "deadbeat" and a "financial risk." but she wasn't impressed. so eventually i got bored with it and started to work on the color scheme. and then i wrote.

so, it may not seem all that great, but it's a huge relief to me, to see that i didn't completely curl up in defeat. not exactly worth getting the car repossessed tho.

Posted by jodi at novembre 13, 2003 04:19 PM


i just thought to myself, "wow - won't my friends be jealous when i tell them that i know stephanie plum?"

and then i asnwered myself: "well, the only friend who would be jealous is jodi and she >is

sometimes, it's dizzying being me.

Posted by: arifa at novembre 13, 2003 05:02 PM

I am proud of you, Stef, uh, Jodi. You didnt crawl back to bed and 'assume' the thinking position for the rest of the day! You handled it like a 'grown up'.

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 13, 2003 07:27 PM

whoa - it did something screwy with my comment! i had just pointed out that you would hardly be jealous since you are the one who actually is stephanie plum.

i guess i can't use little alligator mouths for emphasis on here, huh.

Posted by: arifa at novembre 13, 2003 09:58 PM

no, fee, you can't use aligator mouths for comments, because they will eat all the other comments.

ewwww.... look. i need to fix the "post a comment" thing. it's still pink. it clashes.

sandy, i have to admit, i did assume the thinking position for just a little bit. but that's cuz i had to think. :)

Posted by: jodi at novembre 13, 2003 10:47 PM

'stephanie plum' ran through my mind too. its a sign! you are now primed to run into sexy italian cops and/or hunky cuban bounty hunters. and having your eyebrows blown off. and your cars possessed by some destruction fairy. okay... so maybe it wasn't that kind of sign.

much congrats on the 'not curling up in defeat' part. :)

Posted by: loon at novembre 14, 2003 06:32 AM

well....hooray on the 'not-curling-up-and-hiding' part, but sorry about the 'car-being-reposessed' thing. things will work out, though, so don't stress. you live and learn. and sometimes a bad thing has to happen in order for you to see the good. that's what i always try to tell myself, anyway. =)

Posted by: Judy at novembre 14, 2003 07:04 AM

Oh, I think it IS a sign when the majority of people who know you immediately flash to visions of Plum. You're a shoo-in, Babe. ;o)

I'm almost jealous.

Posted by: Wicked at novembre 14, 2003 08:24 AM