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novembre 14, 2003

possible revision on the curling up in a small ball reaction...

they won't give my car back unless i give them 18 thousand dollars.

how many people here think i have 18 thousand dollars?

Posted by jodi at novembre 14, 2003 09:36 AM


I wuz afraid of this...crap...mean bastards...

If in a month u r working for a bail bondsman I am going to worry....Either that or it will make for some great writing, you will be a famous novelist and everything will be right with the world again.

Just trying to put a posetive spin on it for you.

Wish I had the money to give you....Notice I said 'I wish I had the money to give you', not I'd give you the money if I had it, gosh that was a nasty froydian slip!

I truly hope you find a way out of this mess, and no, you cant sell one of your kidneys.

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 14, 2003 09:43 AM

funny thing is... i thought it would all work out fine. i thought i would have to catch up with all my payments, and i was trying to figure out how to do that. but i never imagined that they would just say no.

goes to show ya.

i guess it's for the best. i couldn't really afford that car, obviously. maybe it's time for me to suck it up and make some other credit repairs.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 14, 2003 09:56 AM

one really really bad thing tho... my stepdad cosigned that car loan with me. i just called and left a message on his cell phone. i'm really afraid he's going to be mad at me.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 14, 2003 09:57 AM

oh man - that sucks!!! was the car even worth $18,000? i didn't see it, but wasn't it just the same as my car? i know mine isn't worth that much anymore.

that's it... i think pru needs to git them (but not in her cute way... in the way where they lose toes and eyeballs).

Posted by: arifa at novembre 14, 2003 10:51 AM

better yet, let pru use their testicals as a dangly cat toy...hehehe

Posted by: Sandy at novembre 14, 2003 01:55 PM