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janvier 12, 2004

Do you believe in beauty?

loon has made me very happy, because she is going to read Tanya Huff's Summon the Keeper. i keep telling people how funny it is, and how they should read it. but no one will listen to me. *sigh* it's their loss. but not loon's!

the problem with christmas is this... you get used to buying stuff. nonessential things. pretty things. gifty things. things that you don't really need. then, when christmas is over, it's very difficult to stop that trend. and i think you must keep that in mind when i tell you what i did over the christmas holiday. i bought The Soap. the soap , as you may remember, is the $34 black japanese soap i first read about on pamie.com and then later at weetabix. and i was powerless against it! i couldn't help it! it's a "vision of pure beauty!" or maybe it's a "pure vision of beauty," i don't know. promises were made, hype was spread and i bought into it. i'm weak.

i've been using The Soap for about a week and a half now, and let me say this, it's some damn fine soap. i have yet to determine if it's worth $34, i think i need to give it a couple of weeks. but my skin is smooth and the tone is even and pretty. it has a slightly funny smell. it sorta makes me sneeze. but other than that, so far i think it has big potential don't worry, kids.. i'll keep you updated on my progress with the soap. you know i will.

Posted by jodi at janvier 12, 2004 04:04 PM


i'll take your advice jodes... i'll go get that book tonight. =)

Posted by: Judy at janvier 13, 2004 06:59 AM

well then i love you too, judes! it's sci-fi. not my normal genre. but goooooood. and not very sci. summon the keeper is the first one. then Second Summoning. and then Long Hot Summons.

Posted by: jodi at janvier 13, 2004 10:59 AM

i like sci-fi, but i have waaaaaay too many books in my stack. i'm slow.

Posted by: arifa at janvier 13, 2004 12:52 PM

i'm slow too. i bought the first one *months* ago but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. which isn't saying much i guess since there are still books in my To Be Read pile that have been collecting dust for a couple of years. ::sigh:: i wish i was i fast reader.

Posted by: loon at janvier 13, 2004 02:24 PM