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février 16, 2004

Those double-crossing, sexy-sexy sluts!

most everyone i know has the day off. not me. very sad. and unfair. but, since our current president inspires so little celebratory joy in me, i guess i don't need to buy home electronics and bed linens and towels at president's day prices in order to honor him. phooey on him. no towels for you!

it's a shame i don't have the day off because it's all stormy outside. very windy and raining. last night, my neighbors storage closet door, which is outside on the porch, was open and it kept banging against the building in the wind. right next to my bedroom. it woke me up at 4am and i never went back to sleep. you know, on the weeknights, i'm lucky if i get five hours of sleep. that cannot be good for me. but, as i was saying, it's stormy outside and raining. it's a perfect day to stay curled up in the Purple Chair and read. because i really don't get the chance to do that very often. [sarcasm]

on saturday, i went to see The Triplets of Belleville with louise. it was excellent. the music was especially enjoyable. i also learned a new scottish slang word. To Sook, meaning To Suck. not sure of the spelling. anyway, louise's cat is named muffy, but they call her sookie because she sucks on things. like socks. also, this term can be used in conjunction with candy, or "sweeties" as we like to say. for instance, a sookie sweetie would be some kind of hard candy. every day is a vocabulary adventure with louise.

after that, we walked all over capital hill, exploring things. louise has a much more compatible shopping style, with me, than evildeb. evildeb is slooooooow. half the time i end up outside the store sitting on a bench waiting for her. if i was holding her purse, i would look like her husband. louise and i are quick. so we covered a lot of ground. we stopped in the legendary toys for babeland. it was very crowded, perhaps owning to the fact it was valentines day? i do not know. toys in babeland is the best sex toy shop ever. first of all, the toys are taken out of the packaging, and placed on kiosks. so you can play with them. and you don't have to look at the packaging. when you chose what you want, they go and get a packaged version. this is great. the lack of packaging alone cuts the sleaze factor down to almost nothing. plus, you get to play with them. test the strength of the active toys.. see how much kick a certain toy has. this is the most fun when you are with someone, and you can both make your observations and comments on the individual toys together. the store has a counter of samples of all the lubes, and all the condoms have one blown up next to the display, to show size and color and whatnot. like little banana balloons. there are no videos or dvd's. their are books, but they are erotica and techniques. no magazines. it's a very classy, and obviously interactive, place. you can get a waterproof rubber ducky vibrator. did you know that? looks just like the regular rubber duckies. feels like them too, it's rubber. but it has a special little switch. dr. stevil didn't understand why a vibrator not shaped in a phallic manner would be worth anything, be any fun. but he's a boy, a gay one at that, so he doesn't understand. oh and they had a swing in the middle of the room. i wish one time, when i was in, they'd have someone trying it out. not TRYING IT OUT as in nekkid and naughty, but just sitting in it, to see how it feels.

after that, comic book stores and greasy american diner food. so it was a good day, all in all.

Posted by jodi at février 16, 2004 01:58 PM

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Oh, silly Dr. Stevil, how sad is it that he does not understand these things? Ah well. I've seen the rubber ducky vibe before, and thought it was cute, if just for the well, rubber ducky cuteness factor(I did buy the devil ducky at Archie McPhee, remember? Now I need the glow in the dark devil ducky), I didn't buy one, however, because I know that it'd end up in one of the kids' bedroom like all my other "normal" rubber duckies. That would not be good.

Oh, and uh, why don't YOU try out the swing, huh? Huh? You know that I would, if I went there with you, and I mean try it out, like just sit in it, not you know, TRY IT OUT. =)

Posted by: Romy at février 16, 2004 10:25 PM

see, the animal vibrator things are always a bit strange to me... especially because i hear that one called the pearl rabbit is supposed to be great, but COME ON! it's a freakin' BUNNY! that is just wrong. am i really talking about this?

Posted by: arifa at février 17, 2004 09:52 AM

yes, fee, you are talking about. i can see, how the owner of bunnies would be disturbed by the bunny vibrators. i was once a bunny owner after all. thing is, it doesn't really look like a bunny. all that much. it's much more RABBIT. and it's small. but you wouldn't like it because it has UP ears.

Posted by: jodi at février 17, 2004 10:05 AM

and marie - re: the swing. no.

Posted by: jodi at février 17, 2004 10:05 AM

You're no fun. I'd do it.

Posted by: Romy at février 17, 2004 10:32 PM

oh would you now? i'll remember that for the next time you come up to visit.

Posted by: jodi at février 18, 2004 04:51 PM