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février 18, 2004

Well, to be honest, I thought you were an imbecile. But then I figured out you WERE a swell guy... A little slow, maybe, but a swell guy.

that's a self portrait of me. today. see, i'm yawning and my hair's a mess because i'm FREAKIN' TIRED. and i'm freakin' tired because of that whole waking up at four am for no good reason thing. i tried to go to bed earlier last night. to compensate. 11 pm. but that wasn't good enough. so tonight, i'll go to bed right after angel. 10 o'clock. swear to god. i am apparently getting too old to deal with my crappy sleep habits.

speaking of sleep, i was reading the weekly last week, and it was doing a piece of books about love. a lot of them were about finding love. or landing a mate. or getting someone to marry you using techniques from the harvard school of business and how to find the man of your dreams in six weeks. [it was in the weekly that i read about that whole quirklyalone thing.] my favorite blurb about one of the books recommends, and i think this is the one that gets you prince charming in six weeks, to sleep for 10 hours a night for a week, in order to look younger and healthier than you have in a long, long time. that was the ONLY thing that article mentioned that i was willing to do. apparently, meeting your dream man takes a great deal of effort on your part. and we know how i hate effort.

and, speaking of love and marriage [eww!] , how freakin' cool is the mayor of san francisco? incredibly freakin' cool. you know, i'm not gay, and i don't particular want to get married. but it pisses me off that people in this country are still trying to stop it. that's ludicrous. i don't know what they are protecting. or what they are afraid of, but their protestations are ridiculous, to the point of imbecilic. [how much do i love the adjective form of imbecile? very very much. so much that i think i've reach the pinnacle of happiness, with regards to blogging, and will now conclude this entry.]

Posted by jodi at février 18, 2004 10:36 AM

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have you seen this pictures from SF? http://www.authenti-city.com/ i love it... we're going to be in the bay in a couple of weeks and i want to go applaud. i can't believe people are trying to stop people from getting MARRIED. i mean, it's not like they're lining up to get a permit to run over kittens or something.

hey - have you asked your doctor about this insomnia? it sounds really awful. i woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep for a while and that was enough to make me tired... and that was just one night. yick.

Posted by: arifa at février 18, 2004 03:32 PM

those are GREAT PICTURES!and maybe having to camp out for 14 hours in the cold and rain before marriage is a good idea. for everyone.

i've sorta mentioned it. but not seriously looked at it. insomnia, that is. everyone has always told me i should go to a sleep clinic.

Posted by: jodi at février 18, 2004 03:47 PM

aren't the pictures amazing? i mean, i can't believe that there are people who are trying to deny these people getting married. sure, the state doesn't dictate whether two people are in love and in a committed relationship or not, but all the legal protections that are denied gay couples pisses me off.

Posted by: arifa at février 18, 2004 05:42 PM

makes me want to become a lesbian, and then get married. except, maybe not become a lesbian and just marry a girl. hey fee, want to get married? howie won't mind.

Posted by: jodi at février 18, 2004 05:53 PM