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février 18, 2004

gratuitous copy and pasting from someone else's blog.

i read the follow on neal gaiman's websiteand found it quite funny. i shall paste an excerpt here, but you can read the whole thing here

"I'm not terribly religious, in the computer operating system sense of the word. Many people (including my son, a full-fledged Apple person) seemed to be waiting for me to see the light and become a full-fledged Mac convert, and were shocked that once there were Macs in the house I didn't have a Road to Damascus moment. I like them for some things, prefer PCs for other things, and, except for writing screenplays, prefer fountain pens to both of them (and for screenplays I like Final Draft, and I don't mind which platform it's on).

When I tell Mac people this, they smile their secret smile. They know that after we die, we go to a special place, and that those who used Macs will be raised on high, where they can sip their cappucinos and look down and see the virus-infected writhings and screamings of those who used PCs, as the damned Windows users are forever bombarded with boiling projectile vomit from the thousand-foot high screaming thing that used to be Bill Gates.

But I'm sure even the damned people down in the mud will be laughing up whatever's left of their sleeves at those of us who secretly like fountain pens best."

if the journal had comment features, i would have commented that a true mac user would put fans of the fountain pen above those who used windows. because they can appreciate and understand the elegance of a fountain pen. the feel of it, as it writes on the paper. the scritch scritch noise it makes. these things are important to us, as well. we like a spiritual user experience.

except, i probably would not have commented. because i'm shy. tee-hee.

Posted by jodi at février 18, 2004 04:10 PM

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