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février 19, 2004

I don't think it's funny. This place is overcrowded, smelly and poor. That's not funny, that sucks.

my writing group has stood me up! here i sit, in third place books. where are they? i received no email, stating group was cancelled. in fact, yesterday i specifically said i was showing up. that would have been a good time to tell me it was canceled. this is unfortunate because i woke up at 2:45 this morning and never went back to sleep. i'm extremely tired, and i have one of those sleep deprivation type headaches. i would have gladly gone straight home. i wanted to. this place is nowhere near my 'hood. also, what's more, i think that guy over there - no! don't look directly at him! geez. - i think that might be my older brother. if it is, i will be most displeased. also, if it is, he's cut his hair very very short. his back is to me, so i can't say for sure. i saw him when he walked in. but he's not close and vision is not my strongest sense.

so what was i talking about? oh yeah. writers group. i would just like to point out there is a writers group over at the next table. maybe i'll join their group. i know its a writing group, because the first person there put down a bright piece of paper on the table that read "writer's group" and i can tell, they'd be delighted to have me. they don't even seem to know each other well. i'll just go over and say, "hi, i'm jodi.... you know, jodi from the forums. yeah, that jodi. it's nice to meet you." and they will be too polite to turn me away. also, they will be jealous of squishy and will equate squishy with my superior writing skills and they will make me THEIR GOD!!

man, i'm tired. yesterday, i saw the most perfectest beautiful rainbow. it was so bright and the colors were so vivid. and you could see the whole arch of it. not just a portion. it must have been fake. it was too perfect.

one of the lisa's i know, the one who sucks at blogging, directed me to a website called chicklit.com. and i think i am in love!! i've registered on the forums and posted two helpful posts. one about accessing extended characters on a mac. and another about allconsuming.net. i thank lisa for showing me this site, but she still can't blog worth a damn.

today's new scottish slang word is minger - which is pronounced with a hard G. this is a particular favorite of louise's. it means "a physically undesirable, smelly, or ugly person." the verb form to ming means to smell or look unpleasant. i think that minger is more fun because of the hard G. also, it's usually used when describing a person and it's insulting and that's just fun. oddly enough, mingy appears to mean stingy or greedy. i would have thought it would be the adjective form of the word. oh well, silly scots! tomorrow, i'll tell you what they call potatoes!

update: still unsure whether that guy is older brother. i've never seen his hair that short. but... he's done stranger things before. as soon as i am done with my dr. pepper, i'm leavin!

oooo... hang on a tic.. he took his bulky coat off. it's not him. he's to skinny.

why can't children play without shrieking? ok, i am really going now.

Posted by jodi at février 19, 2004 07:23 PM

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Sorry, I still haven't got the bus thing worked out for Third Place Books. I stayed late at work and then ate too much cheese.

"mingy" , to be mean isn't pronounced with a hard g but like the g in fringe. Mingy rhymes with stingy which also means to be mean. Off course none of this is to be confused with "minge" which rhymes with fringe and means something quite rude.

Posted by: Louise at février 19, 2004 10:39 PM

i wasn't expecting you, dear. it's ok. i hope you enjoyed all the cheese.

now i want to know what MINGE means.

Posted by: jodi at février 20, 2004 12:08 PM