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février 22, 2004

So let me get this straight. You wanna fly on a magic carpet to see the king of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you're telling me you're all completely sane?

it's a beautiful spring day here. it's not very warm, but it's sunny, with fluffy white clouds, and breezy. it's quite nice. i love spring. spring and fall.

i promised i would tell you what they call potatoes, in scotland, didn't it? tatties. they call them tatties. which borders on naughty, don't you think? baked tatties, mashed tatties, french friend tatties, tatties au gratin, twice baked tatties... tattie soup. louise says she and her brothers, when they were children, had a charming little song they used to sing whenever eating tattie soup. guess what word they used to rhyme with "soup?"

i went to see a show at the fifth avenue with my mom and her fiance. while waiting for the show, i got restless. i had forgotten to bring a book or anything to play with. not even my little electronic dictionary. how was i supposed to fill the several hundred seconds until the show started. so i rolled up the worthless programs they give you and started swatting pattie with it. it was really more of a tap, than a swat. she tried to get me to stop with just the mere sound of her voice, but that never works. so she rolled up her program and turned to me with what was supposed to be a viscous face. which just made me laugh. so she turned away, and then we she had turned back, she had done this thing to her face.. to her mouth, that was nothing short of disturbing. she had taken her lips and tucked them under, so she was lipless. a lipless mouth with lots of teeth. it really is disturbing. go to a mirror, tuck your lips under themselves and take a look yourself. it still made me laugh, but i also yelled "what the hell!" but she couldn't hold it for long, because she started to laugh. i tired to do it, but i had to use my fingers to get my lower lip tucked properly. and then it kept popping out. which made my mom feel superior. but i just told her that meant my lips were more luscious than hers. she showed me the trick of rubbing your finger on your teeth, so they are dry, and then doing the lip tuck. they stay tucked better that way. apparently, they were doing this at her office that day [i do not know why] and she is the only one who can do it without rubbing her teeth dry, or using her fingers to tuck her lips. i told her i was so proud to be her daughter.

Posted by jodi at février 22, 2004 02:12 PM

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