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février 24, 2004

you can take my mac when you pry my cold... dead... fingers from the mouse.

once again, i feel the need to point out ... gw bush is not my president. currently, i have no president. hence my problems with the IRS. [at least that is my story] what bothers me is that kerry, who looks to be our democratic candidate, is opposed as well. pro civil union, but anti same sex marriage. but he believes its a state issue. what is so god damn sacred about marriage, that we are even debating it? what are people so afraid of?


oh dear, was i getting political there for a second? how frightening! sorry if i scared you, mes petits chatons d'Internet. i shouldn't be attempting to think serious thoughts, much less convey them publicly!

yesterday i was all full of myself and happy, because i thwarted an attempt to convince me that i needed to make my pc my main computer at work. [something i was told last thursday]. there was only one required piece of IBM technology that would have made it difficult, as when i was scheduled to use it, i would need to pay attention to it all day. ok, it's a stupid piece of chat software. happy? anyway. i don't have to do it every day, and it's not even our choice of software. but it's pc only. that is... IF you use IBM's version. yesterday, i found a mac os x version. i tested it, it ran fine, i saw all the people i was supposed to see and they saw me and once again, i proved that not only am i super genius, but you really will not take away my mac, i won't let you!! i could not have been more proud had i engineered the software myself. i am planning on emailing the guy who makes it and swearing my undying love for him.

thwarting is fun.

Posted by jodi at février 24, 2004 12:15 PM

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