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mars 02, 2004

rejected aka: i am a banana!

i need you to go watch this. it's very important. i think it will draw us closer, and we'll be better friends than we've ever been before, my peu de poulets d'Internet.

Posted by jodi at mars 2, 2004 05:33 PM

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that was AWESOME! the ending was sort of weak, but overall that rocked the cat socks. have you ever seen "Ah, L'Amour"? same cartoonist. just as wickedly funny.

Posted by: loon at mars 2, 2004 06:28 PM

Ha! I just watched this a couple of days ago. I should have known that it would find it's way onto your computer screen somehow. I thought about posting it on Odds 'n' Ends, but it doesn't look like many people check that blog out, anymore. Ah well, glad you found it.

Posted by: Romy at mars 2, 2004 06:39 PM

evildeb has the dvd with all the cartoons/commercials on it. we hooked it up to a big projection monitor in a meeting room a couple months ago and watched them. and for days we walked around saying "my spoon is too big!" i just found it online tonight. and was soooo excited.

Posted by: jodi at mars 2, 2004 06:55 PM

and loon, i am not familar with it. so i think you need to find it and share it with me.

Posted by: jodi at mars 2, 2004 06:55 PM