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mars 03, 2004

And if you get me out of this, I swear I'll never be mean to anyone ever again. Unless, they really deserve it or if it's that time of the month, in which case I don't think you or anyone else can hold me responsible...

yesterday, i felt all bad about the mean things i said re: the audio version of "mirror mirror" that's the kinda kid i am... it's ok to say something mean, IF you follow up with something positive. i'm messed up. i got in my car and started listening to the narrator, and decided i was unfair. an audio reading of a novel is more of a performance, it's not just straight reading. however, i will not bend on the subject of affecting an italian accent when saying italian names or locations. it reminds me of a saturday night live skit, with jimmy smits. he comes to town to attend a meeting, and everyone assumes he is in touch with all things latino, and they pronounce every spanish word with a theatrical spanish accent. eeen-cha-LA-DAAAAA! i also will not forgive the paPa thing. it's just unnerving.

doesn't sound all that apologetic, does it. well, it is. and i sat back, ready to enjoy the story. that is until the most horrifically disgusting disturbing account of a young girl's first period EVER! worse than CARRIE! carrie was humiliating. this... this was... i don't know. just wrong. i'm assuming that part of the grandiousnesssseses of the whole thing was due to her 4 year nap between the ages of 11 and 15 or so? that it had all been saved up for one übermenses? it was just ick. and i decided no, i don't have to listen to it. i don't. just because Wicked is on my list of all time favorite books does not mean that i have to like Mirror Mirror. does it? no. i enjoyed the two between, so i know it's not just a one book wonder kind of thing. so i popped out the cd and listened to Gary Jule's rendition of Mad World over and over until i got home.

Posted by jodi at mars 3, 2004 11:40 AM

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