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mars 05, 2004

I feel like a defective typewriter.

evildeb brought a little utility to my attention. now my computer makes little typewriter noises as i type. with separate noises for space and return. it's absolutly delightful. for now. i'm sure i'll get over it soon. but right now, i'm having the best time. i love the little tippety tap typing noises. when i learned to type, in junior high, i learned to TYPE. not keyboard. i learned on an IBM selectric. all of my college papers were typed, i never used a word processor. i didn't even know how. i was computer illiterate. so i'm having a little deja vu moment. although, i would like to point out, i hated my typing teacher, she only liked the popular girls. everyone else, including all boys, she did not feel she had to bother with... be nice to. i got a C in typing. totally brought down my grade point average. i did not get c's in ANYTHING. ever. later, in college, i got a job doing medical transcription for a physical therapist. i used a little dictaphone machine with foot pedals. and an IBM selectric. that's how i became the speedy typist i am today.

i'd point you to the utility, but it's a Mac OS X utility. and the majority of people chose to use lesser OS's.

Posted by jodi at mars 5, 2004 10:47 AM

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i took typing when i was little. i didn't take it in school because i was in elementary school. i did take a class outside of school because, well, that's the nerdy kind of kid i am.

i heard the saddest thing, though. howie's friend, emily, has a typewriter in her garage. a kid was over and asked, "what's that?" emily was shocked and said, "a typewriter." after a pause, the kid asked, "what's that?" AAAAAAAAAAACK!

Posted by: arifa at mars 5, 2004 12:02 PM

that is wrong. there is something very satisfying in the click of a typewriter. i have yet to tire of this cute utility. in fact, everytime i hit return and hear that little bell, it makes me laugh. watch.

hahahahaaaaaa! see? that was two returns right there.

Posted by: jodi at mars 5, 2004 03:09 PM