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mars 05, 2004

shucks howdy, kids..

guess what i finally got today? that's right, the mac os version of the Making Magic expansion pack for the sims.

so, it's been nice knowing you. i'll see ya when i see ya. don't wait up.

Posted by jodi at mars 5, 2004 06:24 PM

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Whoo hoo!!! I thought about you, and Makin' Magic, just the other day, and was going to ask if you had it, yet, but then I remembered that "duh, if jodi already had it, then her blog would not be nearly as updated as it is, except to tell us about her magic sims".

Can't wait to hear what you manage to do with your new magical abilities!

Posted by: Romy at mars 5, 2004 06:37 PM

well, my favorite sim, buttonwillow mckitteredge, is working hard at her magic skills. she's spinning gold thread and harvesting honey and beeswax to trade and barter. she's fought two magic duels and lost both times. she's done some kind of toadstool race with faerie, and won. and she turned her nosy neighbor into a frog. she has a charm to make her dog speak english, but she hasn't used it. no, that's a spell actually. she's got two charms, but i can't remember what they are for.

go buttonwillow!!

Posted by: jodi at mars 6, 2004 01:06 AM

I haven't been able to use any of the pet spells as I can't get Makin' Magic to work with Unleashed, for some strange reason. It sucks, but, it's better than not being able to use Makin' Magic, at all.

The toadstool race can be difficult, but it can be done. I still haven't figured out how to win the damn duels, I've lost every one I've been in, and tend to avoid them, now.

Posted by: Romy at mars 6, 2004 09:39 AM

i am going to figure out how to win that duel, so help me god. i shall prevail! i want buttonwillow to become so magical, that she gets to move to magic town.

Posted by: jodi at mars 6, 2004 02:57 PM

Even with my duel issues I've got a couple of Sim families living in Magic Town, now, I just have them perform their little hearts out, on the stage, and do a lot of snake charming.

Posted by: Romy at mars 6, 2004 06:05 PM

yes, i want the mckitteredge family to move to magic town. by the way, the pet spell? turns your pet into a human. forever. i thought it was temporary. so now there is a 2nd roommate. tilly. which bummed me out because i liked that dog. jorji has decided to go the celebrity route. but she's not very good at shmoozing. and buttonwillow was abducted by aliens while gazing out the telescope, she was gone twenty four hours, but came back no worse for the trip. in fact, some of her personality points increased quite a bit. which is nice.

Posted by: jodi at mars 6, 2004 11:09 PM