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mars 06, 2004

sometimes i just marvel at god's perfect design

i was on my way home from the library, with a pile of freshly unread books, when i stopped at my am/pm for my 44oz soda pop fountain drink filled with delicious dr. pepper, and what should i find inside that store? a girl scout, with a table fully stocked with the entire product line of girl scout cookies. like a small, exceedingly polite, miracle in a green vest covered in merit badges. and she was so kind as to point out the two new cookies: the double dutch and the lemon cooler. i purchased a box of the lemon cooler, as i am quite fond of lemon flavored things. and tagalongs too. of course.

god bless you, girl scouts!

Posted by jodi at mars 6, 2004 02:53 PM

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