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mars 08, 2004

That's a pretty fucking good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five dollars but it's pretty fucking good.

well, i'm pretty much worth shit today! it's great! a while back i had to adjust my dosage of my blood pressure medication. but once it ran out, i was supposed to start a different kind. it ran out on sunday, i filled the new prescription on sunday afternoon, and i started it today. and that, kids, is why i'm a freakin' idiot. just increasing the other med made me all spacey and dizzy and stuff for the first two days. what do you think a new kind is going to do? don't start a new medication on a monday, jodi. you stupid stupid girl. [i didn't know!! it's not my fault!]

why do i have high blood pressure? no one knows. i had low blood pressure all my life, and then suddenly, at 26, it shot up. and they did lots of tests, because that's unusual. but they couldn't come up with anything. personally, i think it has something to do with my gigantic brain. or maybe computers because that is roughly around the time i started working with them full time.

so again, i'm dizzy and lightheaded. and trembly. i was trying to write on a cd i burned for dr. stevil, and i had to write very very very slowly. it's also making it hard to concentrate. probably because it's making me a wee bit manic. which is fun. [no it's not]. and that is why i am worthless today.

coincidentally, dr. stevil gave me a cd to listen to, it's all the songs that he has purchased from the apple music store and the 2nd song was "hyperactive" by thomas dolby. of course, now it's some incredibly hypnotic song about milkshakes. i don't know who this is, but her milkshake brings all the boys to yard. and by hypnotic, i mean it puts you in a trance with it's repetitive lyrics and synth sounds. and it's lameness. further proof that i am not, nor have i ever been, hip and/or cool. The Man says it's a big hit with the kids today. with their mtv, ms. pac-man, and dan fogleburg.

evildeb is down in oregon, visiting the babytechs. and her incredible evilness has knocked out the power in their power grid. it's not the weather, the weather there is similar to the weather here, today. [it's bright and clear and sunny here. 66 degrees! an absolutely beautiful spring day. the view of the snow capped olympic mountains this morning, when i was driving across the lake, was stunning] it's evildeb. she did it. i think she was frustrated about something.. and she just KABOOM blew out all the power. and got to go back to her hotel early, which has a swimming pool. hmmm.....

Posted by jodi at mars 8, 2004 02:50 PM

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How odd, there is a thread on the snopes board about 80's pop/new wave, and so I spent a good portion of the weekend downloading 80's stuff from Kazaa, one of the more exciting downloads was "hyperactive", and I had to do it, twice, because the first one I got was mislabeled. That song kicks much ass.

Posted by: Romy at mars 8, 2004 03:26 PM

Oh, you've found the gaping hole of lameness that is Kelis. (I think that's how you spell her name.) She is scary, with big afro hair and serpentine-like body language.

And yes, her milkshake does indeed bring all the boys to the yard.

And damn right, it's better than yours.

Posted by: Wicked at mars 9, 2004 10:12 AM

oh did i? well, i beg to differ. my milkshake is pretty damn good. it's one of those really good ones, with real fruit blended in, not just strawberry flavor or something. real ice cream, not just ice cream like substance with air pumped in it. and half of it comes in a tall shake glass with whipped cream and cherry on top. spoon AND straw. then the rest of it sits in cold metal ... um ... shake blendy cup thing. whatever that's called. you know what i mean. it's a pretty good milkshake.

he also had the barbie song. "come on barbie, let's go party." i said, "steve... that is so gay." and he giggled and said, "i KNOW!"

Posted by: jodi at mars 9, 2004 11:23 PM

omg i love the barbie song!
and my milkshake is better than yours. its got marshmellows in it. and gooey caramel. and sparkles. edible sparkles. and...

Posted by: loon at mars 10, 2004 12:09 PM

your milkshake has marshmellows? that does not sound good at all. i could understand if you were talking about a dish of rocky road ice cream. but in a milkshake? they'd plug up the straw!

loon, if you love the barbie song, does that mean you are a gay man too?

Posted by: jodi at mars 10, 2004 12:13 PM

my marshmellows are tiny enough to fit through a straw. duh! but still big enough to make you go 'oooh! marshmellow!' when you swallow one.

i don't think lovin' the barbie song will move me from Straight Girl status to Gay Man land. i don't really fit any gay man stereotypes. though i do love barbra streisand....

Posted by: loon at mars 10, 2004 01:20 PM

well, do you like cute boys, shopping for shoes, and disco dancing? if so, you are a gay man. there are other clues as well. oh, if you own a parrot or some kind of exotic birds. the gay men LOVE the exotic birds. don't know why. and yes, i am an expert.

i like shopping for shoes, i like cute boys, i enjoy disco music, but not dancing to it, and i hate exotic birds. i hate all birds really. except ducks. and chickens that are fried and on my plate. birds kind of scare me. mostly annoy me. but birds in cages are the worst. besides, i can't be a gay man, i've already been designated an honorary lesbians. by some lesbians. which basically means, if there is a term they use, that they don't like breeders to use, like "family" i get to use it. because i'm HONORARY lesbian.

are you, perhaps, referring to the mini marshmellows of hot chocolate fame?

Posted by: jodi at mars 10, 2004 05:18 PM

damn. i fit all three. i don't really know how to disco dance, but i like to shake my booty to the disco tunes. so i guess that counts.

but under no circumstances would i want to own an exotic bird. unless i pooped hundred dollar bills of course.

and yes, those are the marshmellows i'm refering too. only a teensy bit smaller. because they have to be suck-up-a-straw worthy.

Posted by: loon at mars 10, 2004 06:48 PM

so... are they BB sized marshmellows?

so with you on the exotic bird front. dr. stevil lives in a house with FIFTEEN of them. that's five birds for every gay man in the house. except that more than five of them actually belong to steve. he's got a managerie of them.

but if they pooped 100 dollar bills... well...

Posted by: jodi at mars 10, 2004 10:06 PM