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mars 13, 2004

My client feels that it was a combination of liquor and jazz that led to the downfall.

shhhh... be very quiet. jodi's got a headache. s'better now. but shucks howdy did my head hurt today. it comes from having a gigantic brain. it also may come from me messing with this little piece of shareware i downloaded. it's so cute. and i desperately want it to work. but it crashes every time. don't know why. it's called ecto. and it's a blogging client for mac os x. it is supposed to work with MovableType. allowing me to write my entries locally, with extra special goodies like spell check and a drop down menu of html tags. but i cannot get it to work. i either get errors every time i attempt to set up the connection with my blog, lots and lots of errors i don't understand, or it just crashes. boom. i've tried over and over to make it work. nope. won't work. gave me a bad headache. too much thinking.

and that, kids, sums up what i did today. got up, messed with ecto, went to the library, got a dr. pepper, messed with ecto, allowed myself to get a bad headache and spent the rest of the day getting rid of it. sooooo..... i think my life is a little dull right now.

sigh. ennui.

Posted by jodi at mars 13, 2004 09:23 PM

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Sounds a lot like my day. Well, if you substitute kids for ecto, Coke for Dr. Pepper, and uhhhh, several news websites for the library. I guess that means that our days were nothing alike, with the exception of the headache. It still hurts something fierce, but it's better. It was a fullblown migraine, earlier today.

Posted by: Romy at mars 13, 2004 09:51 PM

well, romy... my family has a saying. "no brains, no headache." and maybe we say that because so many of us are so good at having headaches. we must be a family of geniuses.

and you are one of my people!

Posted by: jodi at mars 14, 2004 12:22 AM