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mars 19, 2004

Soap Magic is not her only magic.

4:30 to 5:00 on a Friday afternoon is a very difficult time of day. If you've finished your current task, you don't want to start a new one. It's 4:30 on Friday! Best just to let it wait until Monday. Normally, I sign on to AIM, and Fee helps me through this difficult time. And I help her. But she's not here. She's been gone all afternoon, best as I can tell. Which means, not unexpectedly, that she sucks. I suppose I could spend the next... 26 minutes composing a list of ways she sucks. But, like I said, you don't really want to start any new projects at 4:30, too late to finish them by the end of the day. Best to wait until Monday to list off the ways she sucks, right?

My god, she's psychic. She could tell I was writing about her and her incredible suckage, and she emailed me. That is kind of skeevey.

Posted by jodi at mars 19, 2004 04:38 PM

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