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mars 26, 2004

Have you ever heard the expression, "kissed by a muse?" Well, that's what I am. I'm a muse.

Sorry, Romy... been running around all day, I don't feel like I've been at my desk all day. And I went to a comic book store at lunch, lost track of time. It was having big sale. I was looking for the first Lucifer book. But they only had #2. But I did buy Black Orchid. Which is a beautiful looking book. I like that Dave Mckean. Plus, he's a Mac user.

Anyhoo, writing group went fine. And sharing was easier than I thought it would be. Rebecca is a stickler about spelling and grammar, which I am not. So she read our stories with blue pen in hand. But she often just underlined things and wrote "hee!" next to them. Which is nice. All the feedback about the scene, and my entire book, was constructive and very helpful. Often pointing out things I did not consider. We are going to continue with the plan of bringing a bit for everyone to read. It does not have to be from our books. Or from anything specific. Just something. I imagine I will always share something of Lucy's story. Since that is what I want to work on. Maybe I'll start from the beginning, tho, this scene is in the middle of the book, with no background, they had to just take some things on faith. But then, maybe not. Whatever the muse wants, the muse gets. I'll write what it asks for.

Posted by jodi at mars 26, 2004 02:23 PM

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Blue pen, yay! Red pen is so intimidating. I'm glad things went well at writing group, Jodi. When do we get to read some of the story? :)

Posted by: Sarah at mars 26, 2004 03:36 PM

Yeah, what Sarah said, when do we get to take a peek at it?

Posted by: Romy at mars 26, 2004 04:32 PM