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mars 29, 2004

Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.

The power just went here at work. Of course, I have squishy. So I could still work, as long as I have battery power. That's hardly fair, tho. It's one of those days in which it's impossible to be at work anyway. It's a breezy spring day, supposed to get up to the 70's. In fact, it is currently 71 degrees. The general consensus is that someone has cut the power on purpose. And we are all trying to figure out how long the power has to be out, until we get to go home. I say 15 minutes. I imagine we'd get to go home when everyone started losing battery power. Those with laptops. But that's hours away!! I really think that 15 minutes is a more realistic time frame.

Oh, how sad. It came back on. It was out for about 30 minutes. Those were the best 30 minutes of the day, I'll tell you what.

Posted by jodi at mars 29, 2004 10:59 AM

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Ahhh, Willy Wonka.....I need to watch that again. I'm totally feeling your work pain. It's gorgeous outside and I'm stuck here, editing our policy and procedure manual. I think there should be a level in hell where some are punished by re-typing or editing policy and procedure manuals. It is quite torturous.

Posted by: Sarah at mars 29, 2004 12:34 PM