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mars 30, 2004

What is this, social hour? I'm supposed to be being a bitch.

Uh oh... there's another Jodi blog out there. Only, in this case, it's a Jodie blog. And you know, I came across her completely by accident. Looking for something for Movable Type. I was scared, you know what happened when I found that other Jody, the one I didn't like. Such a disappointment. But she seems fine, does the name proud. Even with that extra letter on the end.

Posted by jodi at mars 30, 2004 04:20 PM

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Wow. I read the entry for today. I'm impressed. She seems like a very nice Jodie, but of course, no one compares to our Uber Jodi.

Posted by: Sarah at mars 31, 2004 02:03 PM

yeah. she seems cool. i know another cool jodiblog. and then the one i don't like. who is so very very talented. but mean. feh. anyway, maybe i'll start a separate category for jodiblogs. but just not include the mean one. besides, she says you are not allowed to call her site her BLOG. you have to call it her SITE. so... she does not get included.

Posted by: jodi at mars 31, 2004 02:12 PM

*sniff* gawrsh ;-) You know - funny thing; I was actually thinking of doing a Jodie blogroll or webring or something - but it was going to be all about Jodies, with that extra e on the end. You have turned mine eyes into mine very soul and I'm casting out those dark and grained spots of my Jodie-centric thinking to embrace the Jodie-ness (and Jodi-ness and Jody-ness) that is found in all those blessed with the Hebrew-derived name of Praised ;-) So, in other words - wanna be included? (Saw your start too - I can give you the blogroll code if you'd like too)

Posted by: Jodie at avril 3, 2004 01:20 AM