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avril 01, 2004

Dignity? You? In relation to clothes? I'm awash in a sea of confusion.

I just got out of a meeting, the Training Committee. This is my favorite committee. Others have come and gone, I've dropped out of others, but I love the Training Committee. Essentially, I get to shop. We noticed we were losing wasting a lot of training budget by not using it. So we started the committee in order to find out what we really needed, continuously educationwise, and then spend our budget to get it. Plus, being on the committee, I get to push, just a little tiny bit, for the things I want.

So I was sitting in the meeting, about to give my feedback about some training I just sat through, and I reached up to scratch my left shoulder. I am wearing a tshirt from Target... some boys shirt with a bit of a bobby brady stripe to it. And, most importantly, no tag. It's tagless. I think that is part of it's charm. I just liked the stripe. So I reached up and scratched my shoulder and I felt stitching.

me: do I have my shirt on inside-out?
everyone else: [together] YES.
me: [laughing] I do?! That's AWESOME!!
Lloyd: no.. it's not really awesome. [[then does the pantomime of "I am a tard" that is universally accepted within our team]] "My name is Jodi... I'm a tard."
me: no, it IS awesome. I am such a dork, and that's awesome. [leans down to check out sneakers, making sure she is wearing two blue ones, and not one blue and one black.]

I refused to bite at the "jodi's a tard" bait that Lloyd was flinging my way. Poor guy, it was finally his chance to give instead of receive. And I wouldn't let him. Then I got back to my desk. And I realized that I am an April Fool's Prank GENIUS. I played a prank on myself by putting my shirt on inside-out. It's BRILLIANT because I never would have suspected me.

Posted by jodi at avril 1, 2004 12:04 PM

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Bwahahahahahaha! You crack me up, Jodi!

Posted by: Romy at avril 1, 2004 12:51 PM

I really needed a good laugh, just then. Thank you, Jodi.

Posted by: Sarah at avril 1, 2004 03:18 PM

there's this store, where the people take old tshirts that had a print on the front, and they turn the tshirts inside out, and print a word or phrase or something on the new 'front' of the shirt. so you wear the tshirt inside out. and you can see that there's something printed on the inside of your shirt.

for some reason this is trendy. and the tshirts sell for about $50 bucks. i've never seen them. just heard about them. which may be one of the reasons why i'm not really explain this tshirt right. but the main point is: someone is making people beleive that inside out tshirts are hip and trendy and worth 50 bucks! so you know jodi, you were being super trendy with your april fools attire.

Posted by: loon at avril 1, 2004 09:34 PM

"so you know jodi, you were being super trendy with your april fools attire."


Posted by: jodi at avril 1, 2004 11:09 PM

It's so hard to be a fashion icon these days. And you make it look so easy!

Posted by: Wicked at avril 2, 2004 07:34 AM