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avril 06, 2004

You're officially ordered to take a fashion sabbatical until you get your priorities straight.

My manager is in Portland for the next two days. Wheeeee! I think I will run amuck!! fun! Ok, I run amuck every day, so that's nothing new. Truth is, amuck is pretty much my Default State. The other is probably Lighthearted Sloth with Slight Ennui.

Next Monday is my five year anniversary at this job. And I am eligible for my sabbatical, which is an additional 3 weeks off that must be taken in one lump. It's kind of sad, that I am too broke to really travel well on my sabbatical. My dream, when I first started here, was to go to Europe on my sabbatical. But that was back in the day. The good old days, when tech stocks were gold. But no matter what I do with my sabbatical, it's still 3 weeks of not coming to work, right? Sure it is!! The only thing is, 10 people in my dept are all coming into eligibility this year. Over the next few months. 8 of those are on my team. EvilDeb and Lloyd have already scheduled their sabbatical. I think Dr. Stevil may have, as well. Emroo just got back from hers - Australia. So I may not be taking my sabbatical for a while. I already have 2.4 weeks of PTO saved up, maybe if I keep saving, I can just take 2005 off!

Posted by jodi at avril 6, 2004 10:41 AM

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Don't you just love the word ennui? The way it rolls from the tip of the tongue to the back of your throat and kind of chokes you if you don't let it out of your mouth. French workds have a way of doing that.

I always thought that being a college professor would be an awesome job - just for the sabbaticals.

Posted by: Sarah at avril 6, 2004 12:10 PM

Ennui is one of my favorite words. Along with tatterdemalion, insouciance, perspicacious, recalcitrant, and delightful. Which, when you look at them, says a lot about me. Bored, ragamuffin, lighthearted, mentally astute, stubbornly defiant and.... well, delightful!

Posted by: jodi at avril 6, 2004 12:40 PM

what pretty spring colors your blog is! me likey...

and re: your sabbatical... just think of it as extra SIMS playing time. :) i have faith that you will be able to make the most of your sabbatical... even w/out traveling.

Posted by: Judy at avril 6, 2004 01:16 PM

oh don't worry, judy. i'm gong to write a book on my sabbatical.

Posted by: jodi at avril 7, 2004 11:03 AM