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avril 07, 2004

Okay, Jodie, I would never ordinally say this, but... is there any way you can get to a pound cake?

I was trying to remain inconspicuous, but the other Jodie saw me peeping at her! Again, it's a Jodiey thing, we are pretty astute. Perspicacious, one might say if they were fond of that word, which we know I am. Jodie has started a blogroll of jodieys, and has graciously shared her javascript with me. Which is why you see me linking myself under the "jodiblogs" section. So now, we can build upon our list together, uniting Jodieys everywhere.

There is another Jodi at my place of employment. But he's a Jody, as naturally he would be. What's even more interesting is he's a Mac IT specialist. Occasionally i would get phone messages or emails meant for him. But, if I knew the answer I went ahead and told them. It's a mac, after all. Even tho the Hey Jodi game is evergreen in enjoyment:
"Hi Jody!"
"Hi to YOU, Jodi!"
"How are you, Jody?"
"I'm great, Jodi, how are YOU, Jodi?"

we moved on to a different game. He calls me Awesome Jodi when he sees me in the halls, and I call him Rockin' Jody when I see him. We think this is great fun. Other people probably think it's stupid. But what do they know, they neither Rock nor do they Awe.

So everyone say hi to Jodie, and go visit her blog.

Posted by jodi at avril 7, 2004 03:15 PM

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Hi Jodie!

Posted by: Romy at avril 7, 2004 06:25 PM

wow - it's like when you put two mirrors face to face and see into infinity.

Posted by: arifa at avril 8, 2004 07:28 AM

this is too funny. i work with a jodie and i get voice mail from her all the time and it makes me laugh everytime i hear "hi jodi, it's jodie."

also, last fall i took a fiction class and of the 16 people in class THREE of them were jodis. we had jody boy, jodie girl, and the jodi who loves westerberg(that was me).

Posted by: jodi at avril 8, 2004 07:44 AM

Ugh. I had something witty and glorious here... but then I went and hit command-Q instead of command-W when looking at something else... Just pretend this is witty and glorious, OK?

And, hi ;-)

Oh! and does that other Jody have a blog? I'm getting preditory with this blog thing. Look out...

Posted by: Jodie at avril 8, 2004 11:00 AM

Rockin' Jody? I don't know, I'll have to ask him.

However, if you google for Jodi/Jodies, its amazing how many of them are porn stars. :) I had no idea I had a porn name!!

Posted by: Jodi at avril 8, 2004 11:10 AM

let's be clear about this: many jodis, one jodes.

Posted by: arifa at avril 8, 2004 02:29 PM

Tell me about it!! ugh.

I could be making a lot more money :-p

Posted by: Jodie at avril 8, 2004 03:30 PM