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avril 08, 2004

Jeg forstår ikke

I'm messing with my blog, trying to use a different method of listing the books I am reading. Allconsuming was always busy, would never let me update, and, frankly, the UI is clumsy. And slow. So I am working on setting up mt-bookqueue with mt-amazon.

So anyway, messing with blog and BAMF!! I lost my utf-8 characters! All my lovely umlauts and o's with slashes through them. [unicod id= C3 98, C3 B8. I don't know what the slashed O is called specifically. But I do know it's unicode ID, which is scary.] Which, to be honest, I am using inappropriately. Based on my somewhat limited knowledge of Norwegian. Anyone notice how casually I mix norwegian and german letters? I just like special characters. :)

Jeg snakke ikke Norsk, tosk!

Posted by jodi at avril 8, 2004 07:35 PM

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that reminds me of the beginning of monty python and the holy grail... "also also wik"

Posted by: arifa at avril 8, 2004 11:41 PM

I hate losing things, like my crossword puzzle book which is still missing and accidently deleting a whole bereavment database because you hit yes instead of no. Damn computers.

Posted by: Sarah at avril 9, 2004 11:33 AM

well, the title means "i don't understand" in norwegian, but i had to look that one up, because i could not remember the norwegian word for "understand." the comment at the end says "i don't speak norwegian, fool."

Posted by: Jodi at avril 11, 2004 08:55 PM