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avril 12, 2004

Nowadays, it's all just molecule, molecule, molecule. Nothing ever happens big.

An evil stomach flu held me in it's clutches the last few days. I didn't even get any Easter Brunch, because it was all too icky. Which is a real shame... that's what Easter is all about. Brunch. Food and bunnies. Which is why it always makes me think of Fee. That, and her active celebration of the resurrection of Christ... being Muslim and all.

I think the people who help fight evil spammers should be nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes. I think they should be considered for sainthood. And that is why I am currently in love with mt-blacklist and it's wonderful Creator. In mere seconds I destroy all spam comments from my blog, dating back to it's birth in Aug. 2002. It's like you are the hunter, and the spam comments are your prey, and by pulling the trigger just once, you blow their little brains out, all over the forrest. And then you drink the blood out of their tiny skulls and say "I get my antidepressants from Walgreen's, thank you very much!"

Posted by jodi at avril 12, 2004 02:52 PM

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ahahahahahahahaha. (i'm laughing at the second paragraph. not the first.) hope the ickies are gone!

Posted by: loon at avril 13, 2004 12:43 PM

Just remember, power corrupts.

Posted by: Sarah at avril 14, 2004 03:04 PM