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avril 15, 2004

All the books I've ever read

I've been quiet on the posting side this week, and that is because I've been busy behind the scenes. I'm working on my "Books I've Read" Page. I've been wrinkling my little brain trying to figure out how to do things I have no idea how to do. But we all know that's my favorite.

I entered, by hand, all the books I had listed on my all consuming page, since I signed up on November 24, 2003. Turns out, that's about seventy books. It's it's fairly easy to determine the authors I "discovered" during this time.

Anyway, it's coming along nicely, and really, the only reason I am posting this, is because I need a blog entry ID for sorting purposes. :) So, no it's not ready yet, but sooooon.

Posted by jodi at avril 15, 2004 02:04 PM

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