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avril 16, 2004

You're interrupting my reading enjoyment! I'm going elsewhere!

Well, I think I am done for now. Playing with my new book list page. Louise and I have been going around and around with style sheets and XML parsing errors, and wonderful new plug-ins the last few days. Louise is setting up a new blog, premiering soon. Anyway, this has been very taxing on us, as we support print products. And fonts. Of course. But learning New Things is good. And I've had fun. So I present to you the new Books I've already Read page. The link lives down there... just below the books I am currently reading. Maybe future books will feature snarky reviews or comments. But not right now... it's just a book list.

Anyways... happy it's Friday, and work has already ended for the day!!

Posted by jodi at avril 16, 2004 06:08 PM

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That is so cool! It also reminded me that I had intended to get "Stiff" when you first mentioned it. Now I'll have to swing by Barnes & Noble, tomorrow, and pick it up!

Posted by: Romy at avril 16, 2004 07:09 PM

Nice. Excellent Quote.

Posted by: Louise at avril 17, 2004 05:37 PM