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avril 19, 2004

It's better to help people than garden gnomes.

I suppose I should explain that I do know where the snakes came from. In my dream. They came from here:
That's right. From the Sims. I played for the first time in a couple of weeks, over the weekend. At one point, my main Sim, Buttonwillow, thought she'd use the "Beauty and the Beast" charm to turn herself into a a little fairy type creature. She does that from time to time, being magical and all. But I had forgotten the name of the charm to use, and instead used the "Shed Your Skin" charm. Which, I thought, was supposed to turn you into a ghost. But instead, unleashed a Plauge of Snakes unlike Buttonwillow had ever seen. [in fact, she'd never seen a Plauge of Snakes.] They were everywhere. Dozens and dozens. And all the sims did was run from snake to snake, in a panic, waving their arms and yelling "Snake! Snake!" They never did completely go away. Occasionally, one of the sims will start running in a panic, over to a dead pile of snake, yelling "Snake! Snake!"

So I guess it's not all that surprising that I should have a dream of snakes. But I'm wondering where the enchanted, but drunken, garden gnomes were. drunk1.jpg



That's the wine press they are playing in, guess that's how they got drunk. Before they start drinking, they make excellent little gardeners. Buttonwillow had to solidify them again.

Posted by jodi at avril 19, 2004 04:13 PM

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All the charms and spells have potential negative effects, though I've not messed around with all of them, enough to know what they all are. Hadn't had much cause to use "shed your skin", so I had no idea about the snakes. Good info to know, and I may have to go mess around with it, just for the hell of it.

Posted by: Romy at avril 19, 2004 06:22 PM