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avril 22, 2004

Small dark furry things increased severely on the floor, whilst rude jellies wobbled up and down and bounced against rising thighs which had spread to all parts of the country by mid afternoon.

Did you guys know that they are opening a Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame here in Seattle? Why would you, you don't live here. Well, I do, and I was completely clueless. It's Paul Allen... he's adding it on to the EMP. Louise and I discovered this yesterday, and we were totally surprised to find it's opening in about two months. We are considering "joining" the museum. Means you get to enter through the Members Express door. And you get a Membership card and discounts and advance notice. But... act now and you'll get an SFM t-shirt AND a lapel pin. That's right, because you'll be Charter Members. People will ask me, "Jodi... how come you are a member of a Science Fiction Museum? You've never seen a single episode of Babylon 5..." and I'll say, "yes, but i got a t-shirt AND a lapel pin" as I sail past them in the Members Express line. I'm not sure I deserve it, tho... I'm not very far down on the Geek Hierarchy chart. First tier, really... comic book fan.

Speaking of furries, Louise and I also discovered that there is a furry convention coming up in September. This all came about because Louise pointed out we missed norwescon. Not having a clue what that was, I could hardly mind, but I wanted to know just what i missed out on... so we started searching. We came to this list of sci fi things coming to Seattle/Tacoma area. And, in September, it's the Conifur Northwest. It's downright irresistible, I'm telling you. We are waiting, with bated breath, for the prices to be announced, to see if we will be able to afford such a unique experience.

yes... we'd be doing it for fodder. But we'd be totally polite and groovy about it. [as long as my personal boundaries are respected] come on... we don't want to get beat up by giant stuffed animals.

Posted by jodi at avril 22, 2004 07:19 PM

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If we go to the Furrie Convention I may dress as a Monkey God so I can blend seamlessly in, as I search for fodder.

Posted by: Louise at avril 22, 2004 09:03 PM

well if you are going dressed as a god, i want to go dressed as a god as well. you go as the monkey god, and i will be anansi, the african spider god. i think an african spider god costume puts off just the right amount of "don't fuck with me" vibe. plus you get 8 legs!!

Posted by: Jodi at avril 22, 2004 10:28 PM

Um, methinks that dressing the part would be a huge invitation for trouble. =)

Posted by: Romy at avril 23, 2004 01:52 PM

well, maybe we are going to go LOOKING for trouble. trouble is good fodder.

Posted by: jodi at avril 23, 2004 04:33 PM

Ok then, don't come crying to me if some big guy in a moose costume tries to mount you, or something......just looking out for ya =)

Posted by: Romy at avril 23, 2004 07:49 PM

hey! i said i was going to be polite and groovy. i also said my personal boundaries need to be respected. don't think i am afraid of some big old moose. it's not like i'm vegan or something...

you should probably come with us. evildeb won't, she is "disturbed" by the whole idea.

Posted by: Jodi at avril 23, 2004 10:20 PM

and by "disturbed" i mean not in a good way.

Posted by: Jodi at avril 23, 2004 10:20 PM

Victor and I have decided that if you really want to dress in a way that sends out a "don't fuck with me" vibe, then you ought to dress as either a preying mantis, or a porcupine!

Me? Go with you? Uh, sorry, I can't, I'm shampooing my hair that weekend! =)

Posted by: Romy at avril 25, 2004 03:29 PM

it occurs to me that a spider might be hairy, but not really furry. i like the idea of a praying mantis, but again... not FURRY. maybe that's pre-req. so, since i want to be a god as well, i shall be..... umm.... well... Astrid the Norwegian Snow Leopard Goddess of Napping and Snacking!

Not a very well known goddess, as snow leopards actually live in central asia.

Posted by: jodi at avril 26, 2004 11:41 AM