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avril 26, 2004

Cause you never know when a Swedish girl's gonna want to hve sex with you.

I adopted Pru from a no-kill shelter called Purrfect Pals. They are having an Average Joe Cat Show and Photo contest. While I am not going to enter Pru in the cat show, I do have some pictures I might submit for the photo contest. The submission fee is a nice way to donate money to the shelter anyway. With the possibility of getting a ribbon!

Meanwhile, I got this link, from Neil Gaiman's website, and so if i don't get anything done all day because I am busy looking up Norwegian slang, it's his fault. [like I am going to take responsibility for my own actions..... fladdermus*, please!] Norwegian because there's a chance I can pronounce it. I'm avoiding French because there is someone fluent in French on my team. And while he'd probably find whatever I had to say extremely funny, he'd also correct my pronunciation. You don't want someone to correct your pronunciation after you've called them a connard. But like anyone is going to know the difference if you pronounce pikktryne improperly. Besides, what good will French curses do in my family? Much better to have something Swedish or Norwegian. Gaelic would be best, but I'd never be able to pronounce that.

* actually Swedish. It basically means slutty bitch. I wanted plain old bitch, but I couldn't resist the way this one sounded... fladdermus. The swedish dictionary was kind of shocking really. I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed. After all, I'm only about 1/8th Swedish.

Posted by jodi at avril 26, 2004 11:28 AM

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