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avril 26, 2004

Yup that Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. Although if it wasn't for him.

I think that Christopher Moore's Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal is going to end up being one of my favorite books. Or one of those books I push off on to people, insisting that they read it. Like I've recently been doing with Good Omens, like I've always done with Wicked and Last Days of Summer. If it's been awhile since I've pushed Last Days of Summer at you... considered yourselves pushed. Go read it, it's delightful. Anyway, I've been reading Lamb quite slowly, and the only reason I can think of, for that, is.. I know the end and I don't want to get there. It makes me both want to go see the Passion of Christ, and more certain that I absolutely do not want to see it, at the same time. sigh... poor Jesus.

And the probably with listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, in my car is, it's taking a gazillion times longer to listen to, than to read. Consequently I am completely caught up in the world of Hogwarts, I'm desperate to see the new movie, and I'd sell Evildeb's soul to find out when the sixth book was coming out. If she had one. And right now, I am completely obsessed with how horrible that nasty Delores Umbridge is... I cannot remember ever hating a character as much as I hate her right now. Oh she's awful. You see, if I were reading, this whole thing would be over with in a matter of days. 24 hours to read the book, and a couple of days to break away from the influence of it. But it's taking weeks to listen to it.

Posted by jodi at avril 26, 2004 05:40 PM

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