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avril 28, 2004

told you bunnies would take over the world, AND THEY HAVE!

I went to LA to visit Fee one Halloween, with my friend CanadianDeb. [that's not her real name, but we need to differentiate her from EvilDeb]. The three of us went to a halloween party at the home of her then boss. In a lovely house in the Hollywood hills that I think made Fee a bit bitter. About salaries and such. Anyway, her boss at the time was British. Still is. He's just no longer her boss. He was also, at the time, kinda drunk. His house was decorated in a most excellent manner, and the three of us found ourselves in a little room that was playing theme song to the Exorcist over and over in the background. I can't remember what that is called... something bells? Anyway, her boss, the drunk british guy, found out that Fee had never seen the Exorcist. And I think he was torn between wanting her to see it, and thinking it was not a good idea. Because, you see, that movie is "dead scary." Possibly too dead scary for our little Fee, who is startled by bugs and owns bunnies. Oh but it's "BRILLIANT, but DEAD SCARY!!" Well, I think we can safely say that we might have found a way to rectify the situation, because my friend Dr. Stevil has pointed me to The Exorcist, performed by bunnies. In 30 seconds.

By the way, from then on, her old boss was referred to as Dead Scary.


Posted by jodi at avril 28, 2004 10:01 AM

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BRILLIANT! i can't watch it now because i'm facilitating a workbook training lab session, but i'll have ot check it out and forward it to dead scary!

Posted by: arifa at avril 28, 2004 12:44 PM

A-hmmmmm (clearing throat) =)

I tried to go out there, to find it, from your uberblogs list, and I see that I'm not there. Did I do something wrong....? =( I'm sorry.

Oh, and my mom told me the other day that they've got a couple of wild baby bunnies that have decided to call their backyard "home". I've got to get over there and check it out, and maybe take some pictures. So yeah, bunnies really are taking over the world!

Posted by: Romy at avril 28, 2004 08:39 PM

oh no, you quit posting on that blog. ... you can't blame me, god dammit. that's it. i'm putting you all on xml syndication rss feed whooseywhat. you're in trouble now.

Posted by: jodi at avril 28, 2004 10:26 PM

I didn't quit posting on either of 'em, I've just been a little bit, uh, "slow", lately, that's all.

Give me another chance, that's all I'm asking! =)

Posted by: Romy at avril 28, 2004 10:35 PM