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avril 28, 2004

You know you've tried the bug sprays, you left small poisonous cupcakes out for them, you've called the exterminator and every wizard in the phone book, but despite your attempts, you just can't get rid of these darn elves. You know. I bet, you know, you'

Ok, all you überblogs, I've logged your [except Liloo's] little xml syndication links in my handy NetNewsWire Lite and so now you [except Liloo] can't make a move without me knowing. Nor can you post any links to any bunnies performing the exorcist in 30 seconds weeks before me, without me knowing it. Happy, Romy? Besides, I've got to keep my eye on Lonnie. I'm desperately waiting for him to start the WTF Episode 23 story. Or become a librarian. Whichever comes first.

Sorry those of you who are not über, or don't yet know you are über, just had to get a little admin business out of the way. And that being said, I really don't have that much more to say. I'm making very little progress on my bookclub book Five Quarters of Orange because, so far, it's been a whole lot of recipies. French recipes. But I am sure it will get better. I can't make myself finish Lamb, because I know how that story ends and I don't want Joshua [aka Jesus] to die!! Sorry, no happy ending for Jesus, I'm afraid.

Oh, but I did get official "buy off" from management to plan a Team Building "Lunch" at the Cinerama on June 4th, the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. It' s one of those "lunches" that lasts a few hours and is comprised of popcorn, soda, and maybe a hot dog or nachos. mmmmm... TASTY!! I've seen the last two Harry Potter movies at just such a team building "lunch." It's a tradition. See, traditionally, when I really want to see something, I plan a "lunch." That's the way it works. That's why there were no "lunches" for the second and third LOTR's movies. That's right... I'm saying it... I didn't like the first LOTR movie. So sue me.

You know what I need to see? Van Helsing. A: Hugh Jackman B: Vampires C: vampire slayer-fu and D: Hugh Jackman.

Posted by jodi at avril 28, 2004 10:52 PM


I'm Special!

And can you make me a copy of your Sifl and Olly stuff?

Posted by: Lisa at avril 29, 2004 01:21 PM

Hey now, why is Lisa exempt, huh?

I still don't see my name on your list, chicky.......what's a blogger gotta do? Oh, I know, post an update or something....right...? =)

Posted by: Romy at avril 29, 2004 02:43 PM

liloo is exempt because she does not update her blog. ever. she is exempt because she sucks, and the rest of the u-brain rule. see?

Posted by: jodi at avril 29, 2004 02:46 PM

liloo is exempt because she does not update her blog. ever. she is exempt because she sucks, and the rest of the u-brain rule. see?

Posted by: jodi at avril 29, 2004 02:47 PM


love (C)vampire slayer-fu. very apropos.

Posted by: river selkie at avril 29, 2004 09:44 PM