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avril 29, 2004

Uh, before we dock, I think we ought to discuss the bonus situation.

Something very dangerous is about to happen? Do you sense it? Can you feel it on the wind? Probably not, I think this particular wind is only blowing around me. You know, i got a bonus this month. Something I am using to do very responsible things with, to a certain degree. But.. I... am... goingtobuyanipod. I just know it. It's going to happen. I don't think I can prevent it any longer. Apple just released a new version of iTunes, and there was a great deal of discussion around it today, online and at work. [apparently there are some issues with iPods and the new version of their software required to use them with the latest version of iTunes.] Well, all that talk... it got me thinking. How come Dr.Stevil and The Man get to have iPods, when I am soooo much nicer than they are? Well, nicer than Dr. Stevil. And The Man is not as Mac Passionate as I, although he does own a mac. That is not the point, a girl like me should have had an iPod eons ago!!

Besides, if I do only responsible things with my bonus, well that just wouldn't be very jodiferous of me. And, I don't think I even need to get the 40 GB. I could probably settle for the 20 GB. Probably. [yeah, right] Look at them!! They are so beautiful!

Oh, by the way, if you participate in Ben and Jerry's Oath to Vote, you can enter to win free music downloads, free iMacs and free iPods. Neat!! iPods, iMacs, music, voting and ice cream. All very good things.

Today is my Friday, as I took tomorrow off. Just cuz. Although, I do have to go visit my plastic surgeon again.

Posted by jodi at avril 29, 2004 07:29 PM

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If I were you, I would wait, as hard as it may be. The chances of a new iPod coming out relatively soon (even if it's just a bump to 50GB, which in turn will probably send 40GB to $399, etc.) is pretty good.

They're awesome but they're even better when they're cheaper. ;) I bought a 10GB model for my sister as a Christmas present, literally about a week before they introduced the 15GB model at the same price. *sigh*

Posted by: Kevin at avril 29, 2004 07:35 PM

i like your site. i'll definitely be back. :)

Posted by: river selkie at avril 29, 2004 09:53 PM

oh kevin, if only i had read your comment before i went to the apple store this morning. :) s'ok... we had this discussion at work. the problem is, i most likely would not look at the 40 GB, at it's cheaper price, but rather have to have the 50 GB, with whatever new shiny things it had. i would say the soonest the 50 GB would show up would be the july macworld expo in boston, but i don't think apple's even showing up to that. anyway... i bought it. :)

river, thanks! you're making me blush. ;)

Posted by: jodi at avril 30, 2004 12:34 PM

Cool. :)

Now you just have to save all your 99 cents for iTunes Music Store tracks. ;)

Posted by: Kevin at avril 30, 2004 06:14 PM