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avril 30, 2004

If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad.

A large part of the "experience," when you buy anything from Apple, is the packaging. They are just so good! They really understand the importance, and joy, of presentation. I did it. I bought the 40 GB iPod today. And I made them update the software before I left, on the off chance I should have trouble with it. [a few people have reported trouble updating the to the latest version of iPod software]. The instructions and quick reference guide come in a white folded folder, that has one word on the front, in no larger than 14 point type, grey, it says "Enjoy." That's it. BRILLIANT!!

I have to go fondle it now. Read the instructions, hook it up and stuff.

Posted by jodi at avril 30, 2004 01:04 PM

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You bought a 40gig iPod today!!!! That's terribly exciting, no wonder you had to take a day off for that. How is it? I'm so jealous. And have you seen all the available accessories? oh, I've come over all faint just thinking about it.

I want one, but then I also really like the pretty colours of the little ones even if they are a pish deal based on the memory.

Posted by: Louise at avril 30, 2004 05:52 PM

Eh, iPod Minis aren't all they're cracked up to be IMHO. If you want a colored iPod, take a look at ColorWare: http://www.colorwarepc.com/products/accessories.aspx?categoryId=170

For an extra $65, you can get a brand new iPod colored just the way you like. They do a very thorough job and you do get a 1 year warranty on it.

I personally haven't tried them but TechTV, specifically The Screen Savers, have tried several of their products and highly recommend them: http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/products/story/0,24330,3581369,00.html

Posted by: Kevin at avril 30, 2004 06:12 PM

holy cow! kevin... why did you not mention this earlier? s'ok... nothing can take the shiny bloom off my lovely white iPod. not even the green purple gradient colored iPod. sweet.

mini iPods are cracked up to be cute. and they acheive that nicely. but they cost too much money for the amount of data they hold. if they were under $200 they'd be seriously tempting. but as it is, the cute is not enough.

louise, i have seen all the accessories, oh yes. in fact, i've already purchased an accessory for it. :)

Posted by: jodi at avril 30, 2004 07:28 PM

Aren't those colored iPods cool? :) Heh I wish *I* had known about them before I got mine.

I have a white one as well, but since I tend to be a bit obsessive about fingerprint smudges on the back, I decided to get a Vaja case for it: http://www.vajacases.com/

Pricey? Yes. But oh-so-worth it. Mine's the i-Vod3G, one of the color combos. They no longer have the color combo I got, but (I'm pretty sure) the top color is this: http://www.vajacases.com/vaja/catalogo.nsf/htmlmedia/ivod3g_comb/$file/cprov-blue_prov-blue.jpg and the bottom color is this: http://www.vajacases.com/vaja/catalogo.nsf/htmlmedia/ivod3g_comb/$file/csaphire_saphire.jpg
I got mine before they started adding the silver V on the lower-right corner.

*Excellent* case, absolutely no complaints about it, and it fits my iPod like a glove.

Posted by: Kevin at avril 30, 2004 08:35 PM