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avril 30, 2004

Lesson for today: Though the eyes are the window to the soul, the zipper is the window to the underwear.

I've been taking some personality tests, enneagram tests to be specific. I took the full $10 test, because I'm a psych geek like that. I tied for two enneagram types. Five and Seven.

Enneagramfree enneagram test
Enneagramfree enneagram test

Kind of funny, don't you think. They are pretty different types to tie in, makes me look a wee bit bipolor. I looooooove psych tests. Hey, did you know that the etymology of psych is Greek, from psychE breath, principle of life, life, soul, Which means I have a B.A. in the study of the soul. oooooo... deep.

Posted by jodi at avril 30, 2004 02:16 PM

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